Sunday, August 22, 2010

On my way to school: Friday August 20 2010

This week was the first week of school. It went well! For me teaching Middle School is brand new. I never really liked this age very much, actually I found kids at Middle School excited, loud and generally annoying. Now I have to make my peace with Middle School students. After my first week, I can say that I quite enjoyed my students. True, I only have  7 students, so this gives me a unique experience of working with a very small group. Nevertheless, they keep me on my toes! My students are interesting but the drive to work is even more interesting, unpredictable and sometimes mind blowing. So I took pictures to document what I see on my way to school every day. The first picture is on a piece of aluminum fencing. Someone spray painted: Do not urinate here: 50000 francs fine ($8US). Isn't this is a hoot?
      The next picture is a closeup of an aluminum fence. These are all over the place. There are many holes to let the wind blow through. This is probably the cheapest material available in Guinee, which explains why there are so many of them. The fences can be found just about everywhere. I wouldn't want to fall on the sharp edges!

1 comment:

  1. Il me fait plaisir de te lire Madeleine. Tu es d'une grande inspiration (vous l'ĂȘtes) pour moi!

    Bonne continuité! Je continue de vous suivre!

    Yves xo
