5 days to go!!

July 15 2010

There are 5 days to go! I'm feeling very peaceful even though my days are filled from morning till night with more packing boxes, cleaning and starting my luggage! I work up a sweat every day...... no gym needed now for me, besides I would not have time to go to the gym! I am looking forward to Saturday when we actually can say that the house is clean and ready for our tenants to walk in. I am not looking forward to Saturday, because I know this is saying good bye to my lovely home, my amazing garden, my wonderful view of Burrard Inlet and my life as I know it. I have no regrets of having chosen to go to Africa as I have a deep sense that this is right, that this is a calling of sorts, that I have something new to learn and that Raymond and I are being launched in a new phase of our lives. Still, the uprooting is not easy. Saying goodbye is a grieving. I have many friends and each one holds a special place in my heart. How lucky I am to know so many kind, caring friends!