Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today we were invited to celebrate Holi (pronounced holy), an Indian feast of life, to celebrate spring. One of our Indian families from our school invited us over to their home and promptly greeted us by patting our faces with brightly coloured powder, smiling and laughing and saying "Happy Holi". The feast is always held in early March around full moon and recognizes the season of spring. The Indian ancestors used to grind flowers and greet each other by putting flowers and flower powder on each guest's face. This afternoon was an afternoon of fun! The Indian family really got into this celebration and ...there were no rules! Water was sprayed and the colours soon became smeared! After we finished playing Holi, a banquet of Indian food was served. It was amazing, it was fun and I realized I hadn't laughed in a long time! Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! (It was another story to wash this colour off....I had rainbow parts of my body!!)

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see that you are all smiles and colors!
    It's snowing at my place :)
