Sunday, March 25, 2012

First Day of Spring : March 21st, 2012

While the rest of the world battles snow storms, rain storms and violent winds, I am basking in the sun, the wind soft and warm on my face. The beach in Banjul has become my best friend for the past 4 days. I am in awe of the strength of the gigantic waves and the infinity of the Atlantic Ocean.

Delightful to be in Banjul, The Gambia. Pampered by nature, flowers heaven scent…a feast for the eyes and all my senses. Banjul is lovely, refreshing, invigorating, life-giving. Endless rows of bushes of tropical flowers send waves of delicate perfume smell on our daily walks…I only recognize jasmine, that delicate white flower that smells so sweet. It is so much fun to discover a new place with an invigorating surrounding. We can actually take walks here and not stumble on garbage, rusted razor blades and jagged metal pieces jutting out unexpectedly. And I have not smelled burning garbage, raw sewage and rotten fish!! Wonderful!

Everything Conakry is NOT, Banjul is. I needed to take a distance from Conakry from daily life in a dysfunctional country and I needed a holiday from school. I needed to rejuvenate my soul….and this is exactly what I am doing. Finding your way in a wild new world, Martha Beck’s new book is inspiring me and feeding my mind and opening my soul. How perfect to be reading her innovative ideas about this wild new world that she explains revolves around Oneness (which is an identity or harmony with someone or something) and Wordlessness (a state of quiet where one shuts off all words).

I have been absorbing all the beauty around me…some moments have been like ecstasy for me….the beauty of nature in this new surrounding has erupted all my creativity. I am creating in my mind all kinds of ideas for projects….possibilities of new tools to help persons, mostly little persons. Cascades of bougainvillias are trailing over white cement walls, reminding me of color-infused rhododendrons of Vancouver. First day of spring today and my spirit soars with optimism. Beauty and creativity go hand in hand. I needed to be submerged in a beautiful surrounding and this lodge, beach and city offer that…..and I am so grateful. I am blessed with this amazing, restful holiday!

Banjul carries endless possibilities of a wild new world for both of us…..Raymond as Director of BAES, (Banjul American Embassy School) a small international school and me as counselor, teacher and/or mental health practitioner. The future will tell. For now, ideas are brewing. I will discover newness about myself and about Banjul, I am sure.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all…..thanks Helen Keller, you were so right and still are!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today we were invited to celebrate Holi (pronounced holy), an Indian feast of life, to celebrate spring. One of our Indian families from our school invited us over to their home and promptly greeted us by patting our faces with brightly coloured powder, smiling and laughing and saying "Happy Holi". The feast is always held in early March around full moon and recognizes the season of spring. The Indian ancestors used to grind flowers and greet each other by putting flowers and flower powder on each guest's face. This afternoon was an afternoon of fun! The Indian family really got into this celebration and ...there were no rules! Water was sprayed and the colours soon became smeared! After we finished playing Holi, a banquet of Indian food was served. It was amazing, it was fun and I realized I hadn't laughed in a long time! Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! (It was another story to wash this colour off....I had rainbow parts of my body!!)