Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bébé Madeleine

Our usual Wednesday afternoon field trip to the orphanage held a special surprise for me this week. As we entered at the Espoir de Vie Rescue Centre, all the students made a bee-line to find their favorite baby. My eyes wandered to the small baby seats, searching for the familiar little face of bébé Raymond. There he was fast asleep, looking like an angel from heaven. He looked so peaceful that at first I did not want to hold him.  That did not last long! I took him in my arms and noticed he was a little stronger and more filled in than before. What a relief to see this! He also had clear skin and the rash on his head had disappeared. What a sweeheart!  

My friend Colette came over to greet me and we chatted. “Do you know that a new baby came in just this morning, a new born?” she said excitedly. “Come and see her!” I carefully placed bébé Raymond back in his cozy chair.  Colette brought me to the bedroom area where 7 baby cribs were lined up side by side. “There she is!”  

I bent down and took her in my arms, noticing that there was no name card on the crib. I turned to Colette and said…”so, Colette she doesn’t have a name yet?”  We looked at each other, our eyes locked with an understanding that needed no explanation. “I’ll tell Tiggy that her name will be Madeleine.” I glowed with pride as I walked into the big room where all my students were playing and holding babies. I showed off bébé Madeleine to all of them.  Another baby has been helped and I get to hold her and perhaps for the next 6 months I will get to know her more. This is a special day indeed!


  1. Bienvenue Bébé Madeleine! Que ton nom inspire chacun de tes jours de chaleur, compassion, joie et optimisme...comme pour celle qui te porte aujourd'hui!

  2. T'es Tellement belle maman!!! xoxoxo :)

  3. Oh! la belle maman... qu'elle soit habillée de bleu, blanc ou rouge! Félicitation, petite Madeleine! Tu es aimée et choyée!
    Le temps de venir faire un petit tour au Canada s'en vient... On va se garder une ligne téléphonique entre Vancouver et Edmonton!
    Belle saison des Fêtes partout où vous serez!
    Amour de tante Eveline xoxo
