Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20 2010

Here we are at the airport! Finally ready to go....and letting go of everything here, house, job, family and friends. The motto that continues to drive is : " A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." We are launching ourselves in the unknown today...the adventure begins!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Compte à rebours/Countdown

4 juillet 2010/July 4 2010

Seize jours avant le départ! Le travail de ranger, jeter, nettoyer et emballer est bien en marche depuis un mois déjà. Ca avance bien malgré la tâche énorme que ceci comprend. Je me demande souvent à quoi va ressembler ma nouvelle vie, nouveau chapitre de ma vie qui s'ouvre devant moi. J'essaie de m'imaginer ce que je vais ressentir à mon arrivée à Conakry, Guinée le 21 juillet. Je crois que je vais être dépaysée et épuisée à cause des 23 heures heures (ou plus) de voyage. C'est une nouvelle aventure...ma 55ième année qui commence et 2010 une nouvelle décénnie! Je suis prête et ouverte à ce que l'Afrique va m'enseigner!

I've heard the word "Adventure" 100 times since I've annonced to my friends and family that I was leaving for Africa. That's what this is, a new adventure taking Raymond and I on the other side of the world to live a new life experience. So here I am packing, sorting, recycling and cleaning my house and my life! Saying goodbye to friends, colleagues, children and parents at school was heart wrenching. Last week, I was very sad and I realized that trying not to cry is more diffficult than actually crying. Everyday, several times a day, I am uprooting. This is the process of going overseas. This is the 4th posting so we know the routine, we know what needs to be done.This time emotionally it is more difficult because we are going without our children. We are stepping into the unknown in more ways than one. It is a leap of faith!